Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Keeping up with my "5 things" list has admittedly been hit and miss.  I feel that I'm repeating myself and wonder if that takes away from the purpose I originally intended.  Or is it helping me to realize what is truly important.....?

For today, as of 12:47 pm, 5 things I'm grateful for/make me happy are:
1. That J, K and I lived to tell the tale of "The Ick 2011"
2. Taking K to his first carnival and having a blast (pictures to come)
3. Having a job to go to (which allows me to forget about the laundry that "The Ick 2011" produced or the mercy our bathrooms are begging for)
4. Owning a home , even though it unnerves me the responsibilities/uncertainties that come with it
5. "If you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." - Marilyn Monroe

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