Monday, May 23, 2011


A certain sadness and disappointment came over me this afternoon. I learned that a co-worker became a grandparent again. While I wish their family the best, it's difficult to hear the joyous story being told to everyone else in the office.

J and I had earmarked this weekend to announce my now defunct pregnancy.......

5 Things

1. Figuring out the awesome flickr widgit (thank you Anna)
2. Being above ground (always a nice start to the day)
3. As always, J & K
4. Speaking of J, he didn't think less of me (and actually gave me a thumbs up) when I requested that killjoy sister in law, et al. not be invited to the "thank goodness this masters degree bs is finished" get together in a few weeks.
5. Being employed (don't want to bite the hand that feeds, even if a few co-workers just need to flippin' retire with their old fart attitudes)