Sunday, December 12, 2010


Is this thing on?
Testing mobile blogging

Thursday, June 10, 2010

well, what dya know!

blogger is finally stepping up and offering new design options. to celebrate I may actually make good on updating this more often!

that is . . .
after 4 loads of laundry are done
homework is caught up
the dining room table is cleaned off
my car is washed
pictures are downloaded and backed up
my closet is organized

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

where is this year going???

whew! it seems like yesterday when I posted last but it's been 3 weeks! time is flying by and I'm hanging on by it's coattails.

another thing that makes me wonder if I have my head on is the fact that K will be 4 in just a few weeks! 4! this time next year we'll be thinking about kindergarten and all the fun that entails. geesh!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

a year lowatus and handful of blogs later.....

i've decided that this is the blog for me. that being said, the header will change (when I get more than two mintues truly to myself - not counting potty breaks).

anyway, things have changed for the better, including a new job, and i look forward to not being dragged down by belittling eye-rolls or ignored by co-workers. it's a much better place and i'm enjoying it. plus, i get business cards! woot!